Renee Kieseker

Renee Kieseker


Renee is a local mum, originally from North Queensland.Β  She has two gorgeous, troublesome teenage boys who adore basketball, and is involved in their club too – Go Sharks!
She loves to stay active and regularly competes in triathlons, trail runs and open-water swim events. Renee has recently taken up women’s basketball as a mature adult πŸ™‚ Ouch!
She looks forward to getting to know all the lovely clients at TB!
Renee Kieseker

Renee Kieseker


Renee is a local mum, originally from North Queensland.Β  She has two gorgeous, troublesome teenage boys who adore basketball, and is involved in their club too – Go Sharks!
She loves to stay active and regularly competes in triathlons, trail runs and open-water swim events. Renee has recently taken up women’s basketball as a mature adult πŸ™‚ Ouch!
She looks forward to getting to know all the lovely clients at TB!